A Seat at the Table

Practical strategies and real world advice to help you start, build and grow a profitable and sustainable business.

Build Your Business
Why Breakeven Matters

A sense of financial stability can give anyone peace of mind. But it’s even more important for entrepreneurs of color. To offer your growing company the best chance at long-term success, black and brown business owners must employ sound financial strategies. And breakeven could be just the hack you need to get there.

Build Your Business
5 Steps for Creating Powerful SOPs 

If you want to grow, you gotta let go.  It’s that simple.  Yep, I’m talking to you . . . You say you want to

Build Your Business
Supercharge Your Work: 8 Tips for Breaking Through a Productivity Slump 

Every entrepreneur of color I know has had a day or two where your to-do list seems endless, and time slips through your fingers. If that sounds familiar, stay tuned for some game-changing tips that will help you conquer your task list with energy and efficiency. Say goodbye to the mid-week slump and hello to a more productive you!

Build Your Business
5 Reasons Entrepreneurs of Color are Denied Business Loans

Access to capital is a must for any business. Unfortunately, BIPOC business owners can face unique obstacles when it comes to getting approved for a business loan or line of credit. Read on for 5 reasons you may not be getting approved (and advice on how to breakthrough).

Build Your Business
What Seeds Are You Planting for Your Business?

Traditionally, the New Year is a time of planning forward.  But, what about Spring?  Is now the time to work the soil and plant the seeds that you will wisely, feed, water and finally – harvest, later in the year? 

Build Your Business
Quieting the Noise with Self Love

Owning and managing is business is hard. You are the one who makes every decision and is accountable for every outcome. What kind of self love practices help you quiet the noise?

Build Your Business
Playing to Your Strengths

Understanding your natural strengths is key to successful team building, product development, relationship building and well — almost everything! That’s because people are generally more enthusiastic and in turn, more impactful when we devote our time to something we are good at (or enjoy).

Build Your Business
What to Include in Your Independent Contractor Agreement

You finally landed that big contract. Now you need more people (with the right skills) to fulfill the job. Should you sub out the work? Not without a solid Independent Contractor Agreement. If subcontracting is a part of your business growth plan, these steps can help you draft a simple contract to cover the fundamentals.

Build Your Business
The Trick to Getting Workplace Flexibility Right

The benefits of allowing associates to tailor when, where and how they work are clear. However, you may never realize those benefits if your policies and best practices are not properly implemented. Getting Workplace Flexibility right depends on how well you execute three key aspects.