A Seat at the Table

Practical strategies and real world advice to help you start, build and grow a profitable and sustainable business.

Start Your Business
Productivity. What’s Your Definition?

Unlike 9 to 5 ‘ers, the work at home professional’s productivity is results based. Back in cubicle-land, you were expected to hang out from 8 am to 5 or 6 pm — no matter how you felt or what you accomplished. The measure was how many hours you put in. Not necessarily how effective you were.

Grow Your Business
Help Wanted: Wading Through the Virtual #%@&

Unlike the traditional workplace, virtual teams are driven ONLY by a common set of goals and objectives. You need committed and energetic people to stay focused on accomplishing those goals. And since “the virtual workplace” is a relatively new phenomenon, it can be difficult to identify those with previous, relevant experience.

Start Your Business
The Secret Life of a Recovering Procrastinator

I worked to build and cultivate a dynamic team. Why not use their expertise? They like manipulating databases, sound great on the phone and are “the whiz” at social media. With that kind of talent around, I’d be a fool to pass up a prime opportunity to delegate.

Build Your Business
Embrace Your Inner Office Manager

Even if you only work at home a day or two a week, you need a plan. Work with your employer to think through action steps. Outline a detailed plan to address not only procedures, but also liability for any and every potential mishap in your home office.

Build Your Business
IKEA Home Office Rescue

I’ve suffered this last year with a small spec of a rectangle and a 5-shelf ‘over the door’ wire hanging system. Yeah, the kind in your kitchen pantry. After months of searching for just the right desk to fit my awkward and relatively small home office space, IKEA entered my life.

Start Your Business
SuperMOM: Balancing Work & Family

Any parent will tell you, child rearing is an endless job. So, how can you fit in a second full-time responsibility as a successful work at home professional? Obviously, there’s no simple answer. However, in this 4-part series, we’ll explore time-tested practices geared toward slowing the pendulum.

Build Your Business
If It Ain’t Broke, It Will Be

Just for a moment, imagine that your entire hard drive crashed, taking every single document, spreadsheet, e-mail or other file with it. Yup, that 138-page proposal you just finished? Gone. The speech you wrote and PowerPoint slides you designed for your boss? U-n-a-v-a-i-l-a-b-l-e