A Seat at the Table

Practical strategies and real world advice to help you start, build and grow a profitable and sustainable business.

Black guy writing on his pad at his desk
Grow Your Business
Putting the Pieces Together

In this article series, we estimated the total money going out of (a.k.a expenses) and compiled sources of money coming in (a.k.a revenue) your business

Asian American man writing on white board
Start Your Business
Know Where Your Money Comes From

When you step out on faith to run your own business, one your first questions might be “How will I make money?” This is an

Black woman writing on clear board
Start Your Business
Understanding How Your Business Operates

Knowing where and how money comes IN and goes OUT is the first step to building a profitable and sustainable business. If you don’t build

Start Your Business
Why Breakeven Matters

A sense of financial stability can give anyone peace of mind. But it’s even more important for entrepreneurs of color. To offer your growing company the best chance at long-term success, black and brown business owners must employ sound financial strategies. And breakeven could be just the hack you need to get there.