A Seat at the Table

Practical strategies and real world advice to help you start, build and grow a profitable and sustainable business.

Build Your Business
Quieting the Noise with Self Love

Owning and managing is business is hard. You are the one who makes every decision and is accountable for every outcome. What kind of self love practices help you quiet the noise?

Grow Your Business
3 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Business Coach

If you’re considering hiring a business coach, you don’t want to waste your money or spend time heading in the wrong direction. Ask these questions upfront to find out if its a good fit.

Build Your Business
Playing to Your Strengths

Understanding your natural strengths is key to successful team building, product development, relationship building and well — almost everything! That’s because people are generally more enthusiastic and in turn, more impactful when we devote our time to something we are good at (or enjoy).

Start Your Business
You Don’t Need an MBA to Write a Business Plan

If the process were streamlined, you’d be more likely to write your business plan, right? If you’ve ever watched Shark Tank, you know the pitch is just a few short moments!

Start Your Business
Jumpstart Your New Year

January will be here faster than you can break an ornament. And, you will want to hit the ground running. Why wait for new year’s resolutions? Now is the perfect time to evaluate your progress, business objectives and performance goals.

Build Your Business
What to Include in Your Independent Contractor Agreement

You finally landed that big contract. Now you need more people (with the right skills) to fulfill the job. Should you sub out the work? Not without a solid Independent Contractor Agreement. If subcontracting is a part of your business growth plan, these steps can help you draft a simple contract to cover the fundamentals.

Grow Your Business
Selecting the Right Tools for Teamwork

Here are a few recommendations for cloud-based technology tools that growing businesses (and the teams who make them work) are using to collaborate with file sharing, messaging, project management and video and web conferencing.

Build Your Business
The Trick to Getting Workplace Flexibility Right

The benefits of allowing associates to tailor when, where and how they work are clear. However, you may never realize those benefits if your policies and best practices are not properly implemented. Getting Workplace Flexibility right depends on how well you execute three key aspects.

Grow Your Business
What it Means to be Flexible

Flexibility can be a game-changer in the business world.  Workplace flexibility, along with its inherent benefits, is something to be admired and perhaps even doggedly pursued. But, what does flexibility look like from a practical or logistical standpoint? How do you know if your company truly is flexible?