Jumpstart Your New Year

When is the best time to review your business performance? The holidays of course!

I get it. You’re busy running from one holiday party to the next and bank rolling shopping trips to put Jeff Bezos’ kids through college. But you know January will be here faster than you can break an ornament. And, you will want to hit the ground running. Don’t wait for the new year. Now is the perfect time to evaluate your progress toward the business objectives and performance goals you set earlier this year. Does evaluate mean reinvent the wheel?  Nope, just dust off your business plan and review your goals. Take time to further clarify and break down your objectives.

  • What was your big vision for your business this year?
  • How about your personal or professional development?
  • Did you plan to be better organized? Delegate more?

Measure how much has been accomplished and what made it possible. Celebrate your successes, but be willing to implement plan B if you find that you are off track in some areas. Think through and write down obstacles that may have held you back from reaching some of your goals this year. Finally, update your plan by clearly identifying S.M.A.R.T (i.e. specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and timed) steps that you can accomplish within the next 2-3 months. Add at least two stretch goals and you are prepped for a jump-start on the new year and virtually guaranteed solid 1st quarter performance!

Grab a Seat at the Table

Practical strategies and real world advice to help you start, build and grow a profitable and sustainable business.