A Seat at the Table

Practical strategies and real world advice to help you start, build and grow a profitable and sustainable business.

Grow Your Business
The Key to Unlocking Your Company’s Potential

With a menu of flexible work options employees are no longer locked into traditional routines — like clocking in and clocking out. Rather, success is measured by results (e.g. the fulfillment of certain duties and responsibilities) and workers are afforded more freedom in deciding how to effectively perform their job functions.

Grow Your Business
If I Fall Will You Catch Me?

Remember the trust fall scene in the 2004 comedy classic, “Mean Girls” where Miss Norbury (Tina Fey) holds a rally for the students to apologize for their wrong doings? After each girl apologizes, she falls backwards into a crowd of students as a symbol of trust. Wouldn’t it be cool if your team could trust YOU when they fall?

Build Your Business
Why We Love Project Managers for Small Business

Big businesses have long embraced the value of Project Managers. It’s time we caught up. PMs are specialists in the art of working smarter (also known as productivity). And who better to benefit from the magic of project management than a time-crunched, boot-strapping entrepreneur?

To Change the Culture, Change Your Habits

Change is often coupled with growth. Sometimes that means saying goodbye to long held beliefs, learning new ways of being and doing or risking embarrassment, when you don’t have all the answers. But, managing change isn’t enough. We have to lead it.

Build Your Business
Why Collaboration is Your Biggest Productivity Issue

IT Spend is one the rise. Companies are investing in the cloud and equipping managers and their teams with the skills needed to run those applications. But, are we also giving greater consideration and bigger budgets to the soft skills training necessary to turn that utility into actual productivity?

Start Your Business
Why Lists are STILL Relevant

If you have never used lists to help organize your workday – or perhaps, in the age of smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices, you believe lists are dinosaurs – it may be time re-consider.

Start Your Business
Turning Procrastination into Productivity

What happens when you have to work, but you don’t want to? We’ve all experienced it. On a Sunday night, you hear yourself say, “I don’t want to go to work tomorrow.” Or, perhaps you are at work with a looming deadline on a big project, but you’re just not in the mood . . .

Build Your Business
How to Make Smart Decisions

I just returned from an amazingly productive week at the SHRM 2013 Annual Conference in Chicago, where I presented a SUPER SUNDAY workshop, Fearless Leadership:

Start Your Business
Why You Should Define First, Then Conquer

What would happen if you stopped for a moment each week to define your true priorities and focused your time and energy on the tasks needed to complete them?  Would you get more done?  Would you feel better about what you accomplish each day?