Beyond the Business Blues
This time of year, lots of growing business owners get the business blues. You know what I mean . . . It’s the end of the year, again. And you haven’t hit your goals. What did you promise yourself in January that would be different in business this year? What kept you from getting there? […]
Latinas in Business: Balancing it All
Latinas are making significant strides in the business world, breaking barriers and shattering stereotypes. I don’t claim to know all of the hard stuff that Latin-American women encounter while doing the work necessary to reach these achievements, but I’m confident that you deal with some unique sh%t that has the potential to hinder your success. […]
Putting the Pieces Together
In this article series, we estimated the total money going out of (a.k.a expenses) and compiled sources of money coming in (a.k.a revenue) your business on a monthly basis. Now it’s time to bring the pieces together. Think of your business as a jigsaw puzzle . . . I love jigsaw puzzles. Everyone does them […]
Know Where Your Money Comes From
When you step out on faith to run your own business, one your first questions might be “How will I make money?” This is an important, because its answer could set you up for success or failure. Revenue is the lifeblood of your business. Knowing how money makes its way into your bank account is […]
Understanding How Your Business Operates
Knowing where and how money comes IN and goes OUT is the first step to building a profitable and sustainable business. If you don’t build a good foundation for managing your business by the numbers, it’ll be hard to cover your costs, so you can keep delivering your products or services! A clear understanding of […]
Why Breakeven Matters
A sense of financial stability can give anyone peace of mind. But it’s even more important for entrepreneurs of color. To offer your growing company the best chance at long-term success, black and brown business owners must employ sound financial strategies. And breakeven could be just the hack you need to get there.
Clarifying Your Picture of Success
Have you ever felt like your business dreams are so big they seem unreachable? You are not alone. Harvard Business Review, published that half the leaders in their CEO Snapshot Survey reported experiencing feelings of loneliness. “Because the big-picture strategy decisions a CEO must make can be overwhelming, it is easy to become mired in […]
Lead with FOCUS: 5 Ways to Kick the Pivot Habit
Pivot. We heard that word repeatedly during the Covid-19 Pandemic. And the stakes were high. Many growing business owners could not operate your company, generate revenue or even pay your employees. So, you embraced the pivot. You figured out how to repackage your product or service, sell online or work remotely. Learning to pivot […]
Get Real About Your Worth
One of the most common challenges I face with coaching clients is convincing them to charge enough for their products and services. Often, the excuse I hear for not raising prices comes down to undervaluing your worth. Black and Latinx entrepreneurs in particular, may struggle with cultural norms around working harder and charging less. Ever heard of […]