A Seat at the Table

Practical strategies and real world advice to help you start, build and grow a profitable and sustainable business.

Grow Your Business
Clarifying Your Picture of Success

Have you ever felt like your business dreams are so big they seem unreachable? You are not alone. Harvard Business Review, published that half the

Woman working, writing in a spiral notebook, sitting in her office, at her desk.
Grow Your Business
Own Your Worth, Own Your Business

One of the most common challenges I face with coaching clients is convincing them to charge enough for their products and services. Often, the excuse I

This is Niki in her home office workspace.
Grow Your Business
Optimizing Your Workspace for Productivity

People are always curious about the wallpaper in the background of my videos or Zoom meetings.  If you know anything about me, you know I’m authentically

Grow Your Business
3 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Business Coach

If you’re considering hiring a business coach, you don’t want to waste your money or spend time heading in the wrong direction. Ask these questions upfront to find out if its a good fit.

Grow Your Business
Selecting the Right Tools for Teamwork

Here are a few recommendations for cloud-based technology tools that growing businesses (and the teams who make them work) are using to collaborate with file sharing, messaging, project management and video and web conferencing.

Grow Your Business
What it Means to be Flexible

Flexibility can be a game-changer in the business world.  Workplace flexibility, along with its inherent benefits, is something to be admired and perhaps even doggedly pursued. But, what does flexibility look like from a practical or logistical standpoint? How do you know if your company truly is flexible?

Grow Your Business
The Key to Unlocking Your Company’s Potential

With a menu of flexible work options employees are no longer locked into traditional routines — like clocking in and clocking out. Rather, success is measured by results (e.g. the fulfillment of certain duties and responsibilities) and workers are afforded more freedom in deciding how to effectively perform their job functions.

Grow Your Business
If I Fall Will You Catch Me?

Remember the trust fall scene in the 2004 comedy classic, “Mean Girls” where Miss Norbury (Tina Fey) holds a rally for the students to apologize for their wrong doings? After each girl apologizes, she falls backwards into a crowd of students as a symbol of trust. Wouldn’t it be cool if your team could trust YOU when they fall?